En la madrugada del 23 de diciembre fallecía en Sevilla el maestro Ledo Ivo, poeta brasileño a quien tuve la oportunidad de conocer y disfrutar en septiembre de 2009 en Ciudad Juárez, mientras participábamos en el Encuentro de Escritores Literatura en el Bravo. Se me antojó un joven encarcelado en un anciano cuerpo, su vitalidad y su sentido del humor sobrepasaban con creces la edad que le correspondía. Y su magisterio seguramente es y será siendo, para los amantes de la poesía, un faro imprescindible.
con Ledo Ivo en Ciudad Juárez, septiembre de 2009
Horas más tarde, el mismo día 23 de diciembre, fallecía en Huelva, con solo 50 años, Eduardo Fuentesal, astrónomo aficionado, experto en arte, gestor y editor, compañero y amigo con quien compartí no pocos proyectos, veladas, alegrías y sinsabores en esta ciudad tan poco dada a los cambios y al arte de vanguardia. A él le debemos uno de los eventos más atrevidos que Huelva ha disfrutado: "Confluencias", que organizaba junto al músico electroacústico Eduardo Polonio.
junto a Edurado Fuentesal (primero por la derecha), Eduardo Polonio y Antonio Gómez, en Edita, 2004 0 2005.
Cuando apenas me estaba reponiendo de la trágica noticia recibo el mail de mi amigo y poeta italiano Francesco Tomada, donde comunicaba el fallecimiento, el día 24 de diciembre, del poeta irlandés Dennis O'Driscoll, con quien habíamos compartido escenario en el Festival de Poesía de Druskininkai en Lituania, en octubre de 2011, y a quien tanto admiramos cuando nos desveló su poema "Someone". Fue como descubrir un filón poético insondable. Gracias Dennis.
con Dennis (segundo por la izquierda) y otros poetas en Vilnius, Liturania, durante el Festival de Poesía de Druskininkai, en octubre de 2011
Para quienes quiera escucharlo dejo aquí el link de youtube:
Dennis O 'Driscoll recitando en una iglesia de Vilnius durante el Festival Poético de Druskininkai
someone is dressing up for death today, a change of skirt or tie
eating a final feast of buttered sliced pan, tea
scarcely having noticed the erection that was his last
shaving his face to marble for the icy laying out
spraying with deodorant her coarse armpit grass
someone today is leaving home on business
saluting, terminally, the neighbours who will join in the cortege
someone is paring his nails for the last time, a precious moment
someone’s waist will not be marked with elastic in the future
someone is putting out milkbottles for a day that will not come
someone’s fresh breath is about to be taken clean away
someone is writing a cheque that will be rejected as ‘drawer deceased’
someone is circling posthumous dates on a calendar
someone is listening to an irrelevant weather forecast
someone is making rash promises to friends
someone’s coffin is being sanded, laminated, shined
who feels this morning quite as well as ever
someone if asked would find nothing remarkable in today’s date
perfume and goodbyes her final will and testament
someone today is seeing the world for the last time
as innocently as he had seen it first
Dennis O 'Driscoll
someone is dressing up for death today, a change of skirt or tie
eating a final feast of buttered sliced pan, tea
scarcely having noticed the erection that was his last
shaving his face to marble for the icy laying out
spraying with deodorant her coarse armpit grass
someone today is leaving home on business
saluting, terminally, the neighbours who will join in the cortege
someone is paring his nails for the last time, a precious moment
someone’s waist will not be marked with elastic in the future
someone is putting out milkbottles for a day that will not come
someone’s fresh breath is about to be taken clean away
someone is writing a cheque that will be rejected as ‘drawer deceased’
someone is circling posthumous dates on a calendar
someone is listening to an irrelevant weather forecast
someone is making rash promises to friends
someone’s coffin is being sanded, laminated, shined
who feels this morning quite as well as ever
someone if asked would find nothing remarkable in today’s date
perfume and goodbyes her final will and testament
someone today is seeing the world for the last time
as innocently as he had seen it first
Dennis O 'Driscoll