miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

naked room

luján patitucci, es la traductora e interprete italo-argentina que mimó y cuidó cada uno de mis versos en el recital de manchester. nunca nadie había desmenuzado y recorrido mis poemas con tanto detalle y cariño, en la frontera de sus lenguas mis versos se columpiaban como pez en el agua y cobraban nuevo sentido,"dice guillespie", bajo su atenta lectura se transformó de tal manera que ya me resulta imposible no creer en la total autonomía del texto. ahora está traduciendo mi "habitación desnuda" que suena deliciosamente beat en inglés "naked room". gracias luján

Gillespie says

Gillespie says that death is not the worst,
that pain is not the best school
nor hunger turns us into heroes.
Gillespie says that
the most powerful ones are not the strongest
that the strongest are those who resist more
those who win victories from defeat.
Gillespie says that
the worst danger is not the danger
the worst danger is the security
which we use daily to avoid danger.
Gillespie says that
it is not a finished man
the man who is finishing
that the ending never replaces the end,
because actually
Gillespie says that
Parker said to him
that Cortazar told him
that instead of making love
It’s about time for love to make us.